Reflux baby

Any tips for reflux baby? We do pepcide, paced feedings, gas drops pre- bottle and make sure we burp after each oz, and we sit upright for 30 mins after we eat. we are also on gentle formula 😵‍💫 I feel like I’m going crazy. Is it normal for him to be spitting up a good bit still? i feel like he is not spitting up as much as i think but its scary and i hate it for him. is this normal??
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Oh dear @kinley, Welcome to my world. My Lo is having same reflux problem and spitting out almost half of her feed. I almost wanna cry for her each time I put her to sleep. The sounds that she makes when sleeping and spitting is unbearable. I’ve tried everything you mentioned, yet nothing has helped. The only time she’s completely fine is when she sleeping on me on her stomach (tummy time).

My Ped recommended Mylocin. She said its regulated and safe unlilke gripe water drops.

My first was like this and we ended up figuring out he also had a milk protein allergy on top of the reflux, once I cut dairy out of my diet and switched to a hypoallergenic formula for when I needed to supplement the spit up got so much better. There was still some but it improved drastically. It’s also important to note that the Pepcid won’t make the spit up go away it just reduces the acid in the spit so it isn’t as uncomfortable for baby

My toddler had to be on enfamil AR

No advice as we have tried it all and finally getting some meds from the doctor. Really hoping it helps as she is miserable and we are all extremely sleep deprived. I’m part of a moms text group for babies with colic and reflux if you want to join I’ll share the link here

Link for moms support group.

No advice just commiseration. We gave up on bibs a while ago and just wrap our 3 week old up in an adult sized beach towel for every feeding.

My little boy is nearly 6weeks and has had reflux for about 3weeks now it was horrid seeing him arch his back and strain I took him docs and he’s on infant gaviscon and is working amazing no more arching some straining still but a lot better maybe worth getting some u put it in each bottle 6times a day x

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