I’ve been testing but all negatives but think I’m way early. I’ve nearly a week till period so like you say wait till then if af doesn’t show
I wouldn't test till Saturday morning...I was chatting to someone in a similar situation to you she waited two days till her period was due and got a postive ,I wouldn't expect a positive for another 5 days as your body would be more likely going through what's called implantation right now and then after that it takes 4-7 days to get a positive test x so really if your still haven't come on and your two days late ,that's when most would test xx
@HollyThank you ☺️
The earliest it would be worth testing is between 10 and 12dpo. I always found it was easiest not to test until my period was late as that's when you have far more chance of a reliable result, and you don't drive yourself mad testing all the time!