Induction booked

I have an induction booked for Tuesday if I don’t go into labour between now & then. I’ll only be having an induction due to being over 41 weeks - all medical and pregnancy is fine. If I do end up going in for an induction what happens? I did ask my midwife this but she didn’t really give me any answers…
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How far over 41 weeks will you be? My first arrived naturally at 41+2. Still waiting for my Feb baby to arrive but my induction has been booked for 41+6. No idea what to expect either, so following to see others responses.

Had my induction last week 39+4 due to reduced fetal movements and low amniotic fluid. I had a pessary inserted Thursday 10pm, it’s like a long piece of paper and the vaginal exams and shoving it in are quite uncomfortable. They said they’d keep it in for 24 hours and if this didn’t work they would do another one for 24 hours as first time mums take longer. I stayed at hospital to be monitored. In the morning I was having very quick contractions and terrible back pain so the pessary was removed after 13 hours, started dilating slowly had pethadine then at 4cm was transferred to a private room. After my second injection of pethadine baby didn’t want to wait and I had him about 30 minutes later! Lots of tearing but glad I was induced!

@Anouschka thank you for sharing! If you have a pessary does that mean you can’t use the birthing pool? X

I’m not sure unfortunately you’ll have to ask your midwife or have a Google. It doesn’t make you drowsy so I don’t see why not 🤷🏽‍♀️

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