I’m 30 weeks and this baby is refusing to turn. I can feel the somersaults but they always end up back in the same position 😂 but the midwife did say there’s no need to worry until 36 weeks
You have over 3 months for them to turn so I’d not pay it much mind just yet xx
20 weeks mine was head down 28 weeks he wasn't 🤣
Mine was head down at the 12 week scan and that was it 😂 since then he’s been in all sorts of positions but his favourite one for the scans has been laying across facing down
Mine has been head down the last few growth scans I've had (I'm 29 weeks now) but I have no doubt he could well turn back around up to 37/38 weeks if he wants to 😅 xx
31 weeks tomorrow, at my 28 week appointment baby was head down then the very next day was in triage and baby was felt to be feet down. Baby position doesn't really matter till around 36 weeks x
I feel you! Every scan I’ve had babies in a different position! My boy was head down solid from 20 weeks, no fuss! This girl will go from head down to breech at least 6 times a day… it’s exhausting! Make up your mind because I’m anxious about it 😂😂😂 xx
Mine turned at 38 weeks last time. They’ll probably shift around a lot before birth. Lots of room atm.
It's pretty early for him to be head down tbh. He still has plenty of space to move around and plenty of time to get head down! Xx