That’s so reassuring thank you!
I had a vaginal birth at 37+5, he was 7lbs 1 and perfectly healthy, no problems at all if that helps xx
It does! Thank you. I think I was just surprised by the early date and need to get my head around it 🙂
I just had my little girl 2 weeks ago by c section due to placenta previa she was 36 weeks at 3 days and is thriving. She came right home with us no NICU stay or any issues at all and has been doing amazing
That’s wonderful! Congratulations xx
My baby was born 37+4 and perfectly healthy. No issues at all and she is almost 2!
Different scenario but thought it might offer some reassurance. I went into spontaneous labour with both boys at 32 weeks. They were only in NICU around a week, with only the first couple of days needing a bit of help breathing wise. The rest of the time was just to monitor jaundice, feeding, and wet / soiled nappies. I’m sure they class 37 weeks onwards as ‘term’, so baby’s lungs should be pretty much fully developed by then xxx
I have stage 4 complete previa and started bleeding at 35 weeks my section was scheduled for 37,2 but my waters went at 36,2 baby was fine didn’t need any help OR NICU. Weighed 6,13 and is now 6 weeks At 37 weeks baby’s lungs fully developed. They tend to take you then just because the risk is greater of you going into labour.
Had complete previa and due to a few smaller bleeds etc they planned for section at 35+0 weeks. Baby was fine no lung issues, we were in hospital for a week just needed some feeding help and jaundice treatment but nothing major. Stay positive x
I had a c section at 37 weeks due to placenta previa. Baby’s lungs at that stage are pretty developed. I had a a safe and a healthy baby. You def want to avoid an emergency situation. You should be having more recurrent ultrasounds pretty soon to assure you that baby will be ok. Wish you the best