Inducing labour

I need to give birth before the 10th of march (due date is the 19th) otherwise my husband is going away with work. I have a sweep booked in for the 7th. Any tips on how to induce labour?
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Following as Iv been in early labour for 3 days

Could you ask to be induced or have a C-Section? If you want to try natural methods 2 cups of raspberry leaf tea a day, walking for an hour a day, curb walking, biomechanics, eating 6 eats a day to ripen your cervix, having sex. But it’s not a guarantee any of them will definitely work. I would have your midwife for advise.

I want to try and avoid a medical induction if I can. Will only consider it if I go over due xx

I used clary sage with my first and that song side bouncing on my pregnancy ball I swear made me go into Labour a week early

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