Braxton Hicks or early labour?! Planned C section next week 😥

I’ve been having cramping in my back and abdominal tightening for 3 hours as well as diarrhoea… I’m due Elective C section next week and I’m just worried if I am in early labour will they operate or encourage a VBAC?
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It could be. My 1st I had period like cramps/back pain and then had a very loose BM! Waters broke about 1hr after that!

I was told today at the pre op appointment today that if I went into labour before the scheduled date that I could still ask for the op. I don’t know if it’s trust dependant though but surely they can’t deny it in your case?

Call them early, they will operate

Yes they will operate it will just be classed as an emergency section instead of elective x they can technically even still do it if you get to 10cm’s! But have to push baby back up and at that stage i think you’d just want them out 😅💕xx

Call them as soon as you suspect and they will check you - and you’ll be categorised as urgent

If you have booked an elective and go into labour, they will still do your c section but will be classed as an emergency c section so don’t worry xx

I hate that they call it emergency even when it isn’t an actual emergency! The word just breeds anxiety unnecessarily for me 😵‍💫 Every other person I’ve spoken to has had an “emergency” c-section, sorry for ranting I just wish they would change the language!

Hey ladies thank you for advising me to go in. My March baby decided to arrive early 💝🙏🏾

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