I’m the same. He hasn’t rolled yet hi peeve he can get to his side and has started arching his back and using legs to push so seems to be on its way. My HV said not to worry about it if not rolling yet. X
My daughter rolled just before Christmas, at 4 months, I was shocked as my son was much older. I watched her do it. Then nothing until today. She has been trying the last few days, and finally managed it today. Looking back at my son's red book, he was 7.5 months when he rolled
My baby is 6 months next week and has not rolled either, I'm not too worried just yet! He seems to want to move around/sit up but uninterested in rolling
Ours in 6.5 months and tries to roll daily and I work with him but he hasn’t managed yet!
My baby's 6.5 months and has only rolled couple of times unaided but is showing signs like back arching etc. He can't sit unaided yet. Had him looked at privately by a pediatrician and they are not bothered. Said its because my baby's on the heavier side.
My lo is 6months and still not rolling all he wants to do is be on his feet am lucky if I get 5 minutes tummy time he hates it x
He will arch his back and push on his legs but that's it this is my 3rd don't worry all baby's do it in there own time some faster some later x
My son still isn't rolling really. He tries hard but can't quite do it unless I help him. He can sit unaided and is trying to crawl once on his tummy so I'm not worried!
thanks Mamas for the reassurance its crazy but my LO rolled today just when i was getting concerned. I guess they all hit milestones at different time!! Appreciate the comments 💕💕
My little lady has only rolled 4 times and has no real interest in doing it.... I'm not worried x