First Cervix Check

I am 38 weeks today and had my first cervix check. I am 2cm dilated and 70-80% effaced. She told me that I could expect some light spotting and some cramping afterwards, especially as she worded it she “wasn’t gentle and really got up and around there”. Thankfully it didn’t hurt but she felt around baby’s head quite a bit. It’s been 3-4 hours since the appointment and I’ve had cramping, lightning crotch and increased pelvic pressure since. I also have had spotting and now small bits of pink mucous with each wipe. I’m wondering if this is just spotting or my bloody show happening gradually? Not sure if I should call L&D to let them know or if this is normal after a cervical check. Curious to see what others think!
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Hi. I hope she didn’t induce your labor. I’ve heard that cervical checks could do that. But it seems like she knew what she was doing especially after she told you the side effects of it and that’s exactly happening. But it wouldn’t hurt to call honestly just to confirm.

Just here to say you can say no to any further cervical checks, if you want! Once you're in active labor and actually have contractions, you'll want one to know exactly where you are. But my provider doesn't recommend them before that. At this point, you could be 2 cm for weeks. Sometimes ladies are 1 cm and then go into labor that night. Cervical checks before being in active labor tell us nothing, unfortunately.

Your symptoms post cervical check are very normal! No need to call L&D unless you’re concerned

I had mine yesterday and the same thing happened! The cramps went away after I got some rest and drank lots of water.

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