I have adhd and I’m 24 yrs old. Also have nannied for a 1st grader with adhd. It’s really not easy but I’m sure it’s even more frustrating for him at times 🙁 they have this seat cushions with air in them you can put on chairs. It helps get their wiggles out more while they have to be seated. I had one in 2nd grade when I was first diagnosed and i remember it helping a lot
That’s normal for a two year old to run around a lot that’s what they do I don’t think it’s ADHD at the age of two they have sum much energy that needs to be burned off you might just have to get him tired more
We got my daughter a trampoline for like $25 and at least twice a day she bounces on it HARD lol when the weather isn't under 30 degrees F we go outside and just run in literal circles round the yard. Even just getting outside seems to heal her so much. She loves the outdoors.
Could it be that your kid is trying to get more attention? Do you read and play together or is it impossible?
Some kids need more stimulation than other kids maybe he needs a calmer and smaller room ? But I feel like the climbing and throwing thing is normal for a two year old even the running’s round because they don’t have the ability yet to concentrate for a long time. My daughter is watching tv for maybe 20 min when I am lucky and she is tired