Busy! My partner is away for work so just juggling the toddler, work and trying to finish my enrolment for uni 😅 but bit over 21 weeks now and in that lovely second trimester honeymoon phase 🙏
@Katerina also holding out for my 20 week scan next week
@Nadia you sound super busy!! What are you enrolling to study?
I study conservation biology! I only had a bit over a year full time left when I had my first but it's been a slow going since then. Figured I'll just take my time rather than rush and not get good grades
Hi! Not too bad, finding myself to be more tired than usual, sleep pattern is off, find myself having to be gassy before bed and tossing and turning, bit of back and leg pain 🥲 However excited for next week to find out the Gender at my 20 week scan
Not too bad! Hope you guys are doing well!
I'm pretty good, hanging out for my 20 week scan next week so I can see my baby again ☺️ how about you?