My son slept through the night from 8 weeks and could self soothe through the night but has also started waking up every 45 mins through the night the past 2 nights 😫 will fall straight to sleep on me but as soon as I put him in his next to me he cries! X
Exactly the same as me Courtnee....if you find a cure let me know!! 🤣🤣
Yes she does have a pacifier, she can get it and stick it back in independently and dosnet seem to be an issue but I will try removing it and see if that helps! Yeh thought about sleep regression, she is 8 months end of this month...we stick to a routine as much as possible and been cancelling things to ensure she has a rigid routine to help as its been over 3 weeks now....
How old is ur little one. There are a fair amount of sleep regressions. I found having to sleep training a few times again. Xxx
Does she use a pacifier? My little one was the same and everytime he woke I was because he spat his pacifier out and it was under his cheek so it was uncomfortable so we started letting him have the pacifier until he fell asleep then removed it. Not sure if this is helpful in anyway. It could just be general sleep regression and it’ll go back to how it was before, I find ‘routine’ is a big factor on my little one. If we break routine for whatever reason he’s so unsettled.