You should see baby yes 😊 I had mine at 23+2 and they did a full growth scan plus Doppler so measured baby, estimated weight etc and checked the blood flow, then she showed me baby and pointed out different parts of them 😊
I've had a few due to foetal growth and low PAPP- A and it will seem exactly the same as any other scan you've had. Same type of probe to scan with and same screen set up, it's just that the person doing the scan is checking blood flow of things (for me placental blood flow) rather than the measurements of legs and arms and head and all that from the 20 week scan. I'm sure at the end you can ask to see a nice view of baby and absolutely every scan I've been to (lots) they've checked on the heartbeat and shown me the heartbeat, I guess for everyone's reassurance which is nice 😊
Hey! I had this done at my 20 week scan (it’s usually not done on everyone, there must be a reason for it to be checked). They look to see how the dopplers are supporting the baby. My uterine dopplers are working harder and faster than they should be to provide the baby with blood, which is usually linked to high blood pressure (which I have) or an early sign of preeclampsia. Over time it may affect baby’s growth, but you won’t know that until later down the line xx