You'll definitely want a car seat and uber or cab. My plan is to Uber to the hospital.
When I gave birth to my first our car was broken and I took an uber. When I was discharged with both of mine the staff make sure we had a car seat for the baby as they said it was mandatory. St George's hospital
The driver is responsible for all passengers in the car. Even if you wanted to travel without a car seat they should refuse to take you because it’s illegal. As for travelling to the hospital Uber or taxi drivers can refuse to take you- they are not emergency services and it’s sometimes not worth the risk for them.
40 minutes with a newborn without a car seat? are you insane sorry i don’t mean to around rude at all but where is the common sense in that? just because it isn’t a law, doesn’t make it morally right. anything can happen during that journey wouldn’t you want to know you endured all measures to keep your newborn safe?
Thanks for your comments! I've been getting a lot of mixed opinions on this. Very recently I was told by a friend that they never bought a car seat and often travel to airport since the baby was 6 months. Another friend just travels with a bassinet instead of a car seat. At the moment I’m still very new to all of this. I definitely plan to get a car seat, but I'm curious how other new parents who don’t have a car managed to get to the hospital during labor and then back home with their baby. I know 40 minutes is a long ride, which is why I’m a bit stressed about it. I’ve heard that you can take a black cab with the stroller, but I’d love to hear more about it. As a first-time mom, I have so many questions, so I really appreciate any tips you can share!
Hi, I gave birth almost 2 years ago in St Thomas and I remember them checking if we have a car seat before discharging, not sure now. We ended up booking a taxi with Addison Lee, there's an option for extra help, they were amazing and helped mount the car seat properly
You can take a black cab with the buggy/bassinet - I took a black cab to Westfield before I was allowed to drive again and I had baby in her bassinet - is it advisable from the hospital? Probably not, 40 minutes is also a long time like said above - it’s all at your own risk. You don’t need a car seat to leave the hospital, the midwives didn’t even check me before I was leaving with the baby - as soon as I had my discharge documents they just allowed us to walk out 🤷🏼♀️ but obviously each hospital is different xx
@Jana unfortunately it is not law when in a licensed taxi. Not sure if uber is considered one
I would highly recommend not traveling in any car without a car seat. The legal requirements are usually the minimum for safety. Also, read the manual regarding installing the car seat properly in the car. Many carrier ones can be just looped in the regular belt but some have a base. So to reduce the stress the day you leave the hospital, just read through the manual and bring it with you. Some midwives will check that you have a car seat and some will not.
Thank you everyone! I am definitely buying a car seat. Any comments on uber taking women in labor to the hospital? Anyone had any experience of taking uber to the hospital to give birth?
We had to have a car seat even if we were going to walk home as we live 10 minute from the hospital ( UCLH ) but wouldn’t let us leave with out one .. we end up taking a black cab
Here’s one for you. I gave birth at St Thomas’ and lived in Woolwich with my first baby. I took the uber boat home from London Eye. So calm, quiet, comfortable and space for the pram
Ask your midwife. They will know the taxi company with car seats. Our discharge midwife checked if we had a car seat and knew how to use it.
We took uber to hospital but we didn’t actually realise that I was in established labour! I was getting contractions so thought best to go and get checked turned out I was 8cm
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My I know someone who doesn’t live too far for you (Greenwich) and she doesn’t have a car either and has 3 under 3, everytime she went into labour she called an uber and they took her
She also gave birth in the same hospital
I have birth at St Thomas' and our car was unluckily being repaired. We took an Uber, which was v common. I was nervous without the car seat (which was in the car being repaired), but he went very slowly and was very aware of it being important. Please don't worry about it, just focus on getting home and having a car seat for all other journeys.
i have had 3 babies in the last 3 years, i have taken an uber to and from, with a car seat (you don’t need a car seat in most cab services but it is of course the safest thing). it is extremely unlikely someone would refuse to drive you whilst in labour. my drives were around 10-20 minutes. the only thing i would say, it is not very comfortable to be in active labour in a car. you could let your hospital know when you begin having signs that this is your method of transport , and the distance is quite far (40 mins). one of my drives during labour was 45 minutes and my god it was awful being restricted to sitting in a car. with this knowledge, they should themselves suggest that you stay in a bit earlier when your labour begins than they would usually accept women into the ward, if they don’t suggest it, i’d suggest it yourself.
I got a black cab which took about 40 mins in labour. (They can use bus lanes so slightly better than taxis). Driver loved it and was super chatty which helped keep my mind off the pain! You can legally come home in a black cab (but I think not an Uber) without a car seat, but if you are going to get a car seat anyway, just take it with you and fit with a seatbelt - if you have practiced in advance it shouldn’t take too long to fit. It will give you peace of mind to have a car seat.
They won’t let you leave without one x they have to check that baby is in safe
The hospital will require you to have a car seat x
You can completely take your baby in the car without a car seat. Legally if the cab has a car seat, you must use it, but if it doesn’t , baby must be carried in your lap on the back seat. You’ll be completely fine !
When a child can travel without a car seat A child aged 3 or older can travel in a back seat without a child car seat and without a seat belt if the vehicle doesn’t have one. In most cases, children under 3 must always be in a child car seat. The rules are different if: the child is in a taxi or minicab the child is in a minibus, coach or van the child is on an unexpected journey, for example an emergency there’s no room for another car seat Taxis and minicabs (private hire vehicles) If the driver doesn’t provide the correct child car seat, children can travel without one - but only if they travel on a rear seat: and wear an adult seat belt if they’re 3 or older without a seat belt if they’re under 3
@Abby @Erica this is not true, the hospital has no legal grounds to stop you leaving with your baby if you don’t have a car seat. They are also not trained in car seat safety therefore have no right checking baby is safely in the seat. Some woman walk home or get the bus home from hospital. It’s a complete myth that the hospital will not let you leave without a car seat. I’m absolutely not saying that OP should take baby in a taxi without a car seat, quite the opposite, just simply letting you know that having a car seat is NOT a requirement to just leave the hospital.
I gave birth at St Thomas’ twice and left both times without a car seat. You do not need one to leave hospital at all. They legally cannot stop you. Baby 1 I pushed out in her pram, baby 2 I wore in his sling. Midwives have zero right to check your car seats or demand to see one. I work for the UK Department of Transport and it’s just not a thing. The only law for a car seat is you must have one if on the road in your car with baby. You can carry baby out and they cannot stop you.
Hi, I took car seat in a cab to the hospital and then was able to use it on way back. You won't be able to leave without a car seat and also you'll probably not want to put your precious baby in a car without a car seat either
Also just to add, all this can’t leave the hospital without a car seat is rubbish. We had a fixed car seat (the 0-4 ones) so the only way someone could have seen we have one is if they came down to check in the car, which they most definitely didn’t. There wasn’t even a question. Plus is London, so many people don’t have a car, so why would you buy a car seat! Just another thing where new parents are made to spend money in fear. Only buy a car seat if you buy a car !
I gave birth 8 months ago, same situation as live in CW and birthed at StThomas. I went to hosp in an uber (waters broke on the way, thankfully was sitting on a towel 😅), stayed in overnight, my husband went home via jubilee to grab our car seat to bring bubs home. We bought the Nuna Pipa urban car seat and stroller set, as it doesn’t require a base and can fit into any car, so have been a life saver for getting uber, rather than solely relying on black cabs.
Thank you so much everyone for sharing your experiences! I definitely feel better and have more information to prepare myself! 😀
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@Sarah wow! This sounds amazing and you seem so strong 💕💕 thank you for sharing mama! Hope you and baby are well
They usually always need a car seat to leave even if you do not drive (maybe get a second hand online or on the sellings sites just to use for when you leave x
You will need the car seat when you leave, unless you take a bus or a black cab where you can take a pushchair I believe. Midwives can help you securing the baby in the car seat if needed. We took an uber both ways and it turned out to be the same driver, he remembered us from 4 days before, so sweet 😊😅
If you’re taking a baby in a car they should be in a car seat (despite what the law says about taxis etc) it’s ridiculously dangerous to put a newborn baby in a moving vehicle without one.