@Tilly good tip to get them to crouch, thanks! I've read that we should only do nappy changes in the bathroom as well now but I could use the toilet instead of the sofa! It's more that he won't stay seated/in one place yet that's going to result in poo everywhere. We've had it with nappy free time too and accidents will always happen which is fine but I'd like to try and avoid poo everywhere every time 😂
We stand and I get her to lean on the coffee table, that way I can lift her one leg up and wipe properly x
@Rebecca she also doesn't like to stay still but she has to for nappy changing time because like you, I don't want it everywhere either. I just situate myself infront of her so she can't move and if she manages to move away whilst I'm getting a wipe or whatever, I just grab her quickly before she runs off. 9/10 times that works! Saying that I have had one time where I didn't manage to wipe her yet and she ran off and sat on the bean bag😭😭 nightmare. I didn't know ita recommended to change her in the bathroom whilst preparing for potty training, thank you! Also to add, like Naomi said, I also lift each leg up to wipe properly, this is why the sofa/toilet helps!
@Naomi I think this will work really well! I'm going to try this getting him to lean on the toilet. Thank you! X
@Rebecca I put a distraction toy on the table too to keep her busy while I do it x
@Tilly tbh I'm hoping once we start doing them in the bathroom he'll run around less as there's less space and nothing to do in there 🤣 Oh no not the beanbag! I feel for you! I don't think it's a hard and fast rule but I read to do that as it helps them associate that's where we go to poo/pee/use the toilet. Which makes sense! X
@Naomi good idea! X
Any reading in particular you ladies recommend, not sure how I’m going to convince my little to be still. But sounds like it might be a good idea to start introducing the habits in preparation 🙏
@Natalie I recommend the ERIC website. I’ve found it really informative!
@Rebecca thanks!
Keep her standing in one spot and hope she crouches down whilst wiping. Helps to have her standing in front of the sofa and put a toy on the sofa, when it's time to wipe put said toy on the floor so they crouch down to pick it up. Haven't had any shit getting anywhere from it. But I've had plenty of poos on the floor from nappy free time so 🤷🏿