Same I will try do it in the holidays from school in summer
She's more interested in taking the tray out 😂😂😂 I'm leaving it afew more months x
Not even started 😂 my daughter who’s just turned 3 has just randomly woke up last week and gone to the toilet and hasn’t looked back, before that anything we tried she just didn’t want to do it, so I’m just gonna go with the flow with my son x
I got a potty and she sits on it and understand what’s it for , but hasn’t managed to go on it yet. I just offer her every time I go to the toilet. I will continue with this for a while then will start no nappy time and gradually do more . Don’t want to rush it or pressurise her She started telling me when she’d done a poo and wee so thought it was a good time to start.
I’m parking even thinking about it until the summer!
We've only recently (past 2 weeks) started potty training her older sister (2y9m) but I got them a potty each so that she knows that if she wants to she can sit on one too but she's not really ready yet. She'll sit on it with clothes on but if she's naked she'll scream. For now she just watches her sister.
We did one day where we tried to potty train. Baby was so excited to sit on the potty but suddenly he jumped up and ran across the hallway and peed in the middle of the floor 🤦🏼♀️
I bought the step seat for toilet which my little girl loves! She’s learnt to do wee’s on there and will say “toilet” or “wee wee” and sometimes “trousers off!” So I’ll help her to use it when she asks but if she doesn’t ask I haven’t been pushing it
We'll do potty training when he asks for it.
I’m due with my second in May so we have started this week in the hope my daughter will be trained by the time baby comes! She just sits on it but hasn’t managed to do anything yet but we are only on day 3. Starting after work is hard :/
We had our first poo in potty today :) I have slowly gotten her used to it and don't want to push her. I guess we will start now and see how it goes 😅
Waiting till May-June. Warmer months -less clothes to put on and off all the time and easier to train
Not a chance he'll.sit on toilet or potty as my 3.7 month as been toilet training since he was 3.5 months he just woke one day went nursery and thought he go loo with everyone else so my 19 month old if he uses the loo want to go too but never done anything tend to sit on lop then pee all.over the floor and play in it..he's not ready for potty training and he'll properly be a late bloomer like his brother.
We bought a little toilet potty and my baby started sitting on it and saying caca but with a nappy and clothes 😅, we are just introducing the concept but will wait until it is warmer to start. I am also hoping they will do it in nursery for us, lol
I'm not even thinking about it until way closer to 2. Maybe later in late summer like aug/sept when it's still warm/hot x