Could labour be near?

I had a sweep yesterday (I’m 38+1) and was 2cm, I’ve had tightenings and cramping ever since and lost my mucus plug earlier and have now just had a “bloody show”. Could this be a sign labour is near? I know you can never tell but my partner is self employed and ideally needs to work as much as possible before hand and so from people’s experiences I wondered what to expect.
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I had my bloody show at 10pm one night and baby was born at home at 11:28am the next morning. I had no prior symptoms before the show. But I’ve also heard and know of people losing their show weeks before birth (I’m a midwife so see all sorts). Cramping etc is a good sign though!

@Lottie thankyou! I was induced with my first so this is all new to me. I’m also having lots of toilet trips for a number 2, not sure if that’s anything but very inconvenient with a toddler who won’t leave my side 😂

My bloody show was about a week before I went into labour I was also 2/3cm at the time

@Bijal I’m being induced before then so thankfully I don’t have to wait a week 😅

I had a sweep at 38+4 and was 3cm. I had my bloody show 12 hours later and 36 hours later I was holding my sweet girly in my arms ❤️

Yes you could well be it can happen very soon after a sweep! Best of luck xx

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