On the Saturday we’re off zoo and then Sunday (her actual bday) just gonna have an open house and just replenish sandwiches and ppl can drop by whenever they wanna. I’m hoping the weathers nice enough to be in the garden xx
On his bday we’re going to London Zoo, just me my mum and him. In the afternoon/before bed my nan and grandad and my best friend will come round. Then at the weekend I’m throwing him a party in a hall with soft play items x
@Elena what are you thinking regarding decorating the hall? Are you gonna hire anyone or doing it yourself?
@Tanzina doing it myself, bluey theme x
@Elena from where are you buying the stage stuff? Like background poster, cake table etc?
We’re thinking of doing a cake smash photo shoot followed by a small family gathering at my in laws.
@Tanzina so I’ve got cupcakes being made, I’m doing 2 slow cookers one chilli one curry and then going Costco and getting sandwiches etc.. all the other bits like napkins plates all of that that I want to be bluey themed I’m getting off Etsy x
@Elena thank you so much for your reply dear
All I know is I’m having a fry up as it’s my birthday too. I think my partner is planning everything so I don’t feel like I’ve planned something for my own birthday as I was giving birth last year
We are getting our son christened the day before (Sunday) and having a joint christening and birthday party. We will hire a hall for a couple of hours, I’m hoping to put out some soft play stuff and ball pit for the babies. We will do something as a family on the Monday as it’s bank holiday xx
I’m not, deciding to spend it as our little family of 3 doing something together(zoo/aquarium or something)and will tell family’s they are welcome to pop in at any point while we are home! I don’t want the pressure of hosting a lot of people or a party.. I just want to enjoy his day and not feel stressed about anything
We’re having a party at my mams house because hers is nicer than mine 😂 it will mostly be adults but she’s got a few friends from the baby group we go to so we’re inviting them and will just stick the ball pit and some toys out so they can play