Yes, but I’m confused when the advice is “don’t put your baby down for the night until 11pm” …because I would still attempt to put the baby down for SLEEP (nap) at some point between like 6-9pm (whatever is age appropriate) since that’s what would be dictated by their wake window…so, how labelling what TYPE of sleep it is (nap sleep or NIGHT sleep), going to affect the quality and duration of it?
It’s more about your own mindset than the child’s I’m assuming. If you don’t expect the child’s bedtime to start earlier than your own adult bedtime, it doesn’t feel like you’re failing or fighting? (This is me guessing here)
Hmm ..ok maybe that’s it, thanks!
They don't know the difference between day and night til like 2 months or something, and bedtime gets earlier over time. I think their body clock tells them it's bedtime when it has developed, and you can help them by developing a bedtime routine/nap routines from about 3 months. I have a short nap routine like 5 minutes, and a 30 minute bedtime routine for my 4 month old. I wouldn't worry about it at 1 month but there's a lot of stuff you can do to help them know the difference between day and night.
Well a one month old doesn’t. Sleep is sleep. If a feed is necessary, they’ll wake up and communicate the need. Sleeping independently is a skill learned through co regulation (: & the differentiation comes on its own as they get used to existing in the world at large.