Spritz for bits spray! A fan Lip balm Snacks an drinks Dark outfit to go home in something baggy Eye mask in case you stay in they don’t turn the lights off on the ward Fluffy socks and a dressing gown
Peri bottle, disposable pants, nappies, formula if you plan to use it and even if you don’t some of the instant bottles are handy, selection of sizes of baby cloths
Adult nappies are a game changer x
The biggest most unflattering knickers you can find and the most comfortable baggy outfit to go home in. Phone charger - long lead or power bank best. Your own pillow I think everything else has been covered
Breastfeeding bra Nipple cream Restroom slippers And rope To go out fit for you and the baby And i regret not taking the swaddle i have it home, I end up with baby who prefer only the hospital blanket That’s the essential
Snacks! And lucozade sport
Just to add that to above. I found perineal ice packs a life saver. Not for the hospital as they wouldn’t put them in the fridge but would definitely recommend them for home.
Nipple cream Maternity pads/disposable underwear Breast pads in case of leaking Big knickers Baggy clothes Nighties/button up pjs Slippers Wash bag and towel in case you shower. Large water bottle Snacks! For baby Nappies Wipes Nappy cream Few sleepsuits Few vests Couple of hats Going home outfit (not essential)