@Danielle this was last night ☹️ I did get in the shower and that helped them die down a lot then I went to bed! Now today just having constant tightenings but not cramping yet where I’m concerned. It usually gets way more painful at night..
Literally had prodromal labor for 3 days straight. Honestly still having it and today is day 4. I’ll be 36 weeks tomorrow. Contractions were an average of 2 minutes apart, 30-45 seconds long, for about an hour or two and decided to go in. No dilation, so home I went
@Emilee Dang, hopefully that doesn’t continue for the rest of your pregnancy! 😕 I also started getting it very early on around 36/37 weeks (now I’m 39+1) and it’s definitely exhausting… But I do think it helps you progress quickly! I’m about 3-3.5cm rn, and was 2cm last week, so things are def moving in the right direction!
Had false labor last night too!! Due March 4th. But yea same thing super inconsistent and almost felt like they might of just been strong braxton hicks….? Definitely had two contractions this morning. Even felt the peaks. Now 4 hours later nothing…lol. Getting closer though🙂
If u think it’s false labor, take a warm bath n it should stop but if it’s real the it’ll keep going