I had the same. 1 emergency followed by 2 elective sections. Both my electives were so calm. Just a really positive experience. Nothing felt rushed and it was a more positive birth experience.
Emergency c section for my first and planned for my second. I now wish my first was a planned section as it was amazing. Everything was so chilled, staff playing music and chatting to me during section. I was discharged within 24 hours and out and about in 48 hours. Recovery was so much easier for me.
Similar boat as you but I was trying for vbac, I just went past my date so they did c section. Currently I'm 5 days pp. Not going to lie I didn't want another c section as recovery and pain after first was awful but this time experience has been better. I got up and walked 12 hours after and stayed at hospital 2 nights. Ive been managing pain with tylenol and advil and no heavy drugs needed whereas with my first I was drugged up 😅 Wishing you all the best 🥰
I haven't had an emergency C-section but I had a traumatic vaginal delivery with my first and opted for an elective C-section for my second. I am currently 2 weeks post C-section and will say that the C-section and the recovery has been a far more positive experience than my first delivery. The hardest parts of the procedure itself was the waiting around before going in and when they put the cannula in because I have small veins. Otherwise the whole procedure was fine, baby was out very quickly and then after that I wasn't bothered about anything but him. The procedure was very calm because I knew what to expect and everyone in theatre was lovely. I had my catheter out after 6 hours so could move around from then, that first night I did find it difficult but was able to get to the toilet by myself and care for baby. I was discharged the next day. The recovery has been far easier than I expected and much easier than after my first delivery, I'm more mobile than expected and the pain has been very manageable.
I had the exact same as you with my first being really traumatic (5 day induction & labor ending in emergency c-section). My second experience with the elective c-section couldn’t have been further from that first experience! It like healed the trauma from the last time honestly 😅 Super calm, went in 6:30am and she was out by 10am. The little cannula in my hand was the only bit that hurt. Had my playlist on the whole time! Skin to skin as soon as she was out
I had an emergency c section 3 years ago as yes it was the most traumatic thing in my life that I came across! and I’m soo chilled about this one (be in 10 days) because of people’s experiences I’ve heard it’s so relaxed, music you want to listen to and you get informed when you’ll be going down to theatre and spoken to about the whole procedure etc. Good luck girly💛
Same with me , I have my second c-section for next week ( elective) because my first was an emergency and traumatic as the stitches got opened the week after and I’m so nervous. 🥹🥹
Thank you ladies!! I appreciate hearing everyone’s experiences, i hope my next one is calm 😌
My 1st was an emergency one. So I was very scared for the second one. But my scheduled one was a breeze! So chill and calm!
My first c section was emergency & so traumatic. Was not prepared obviously. Wish I had help with the baby & someone to cook here & there & help me get around the house with out feeling so miserable. Second & third c sections were planned & had an easy experience & healing just fine.
Currently in the same boat as you ❤️ my daughter turns 2 on march 4th and she was slo an emergency c section. I'm due with my son April 10th and I'm also doing elective c section. I'm nervous for the recovery with a toddler 😫