Is anyone else dealing with constant Braxton hicks???

Like I’ve thought maybe this is the start of labor so many times cuz I’m dealing with them almost 24/7 now lol.. like had them every single night the last week and woke up this morning and I’m still experiencing them but they don’t feel like they’re coming and going in a rhythm like actual labor so idk 😅 also feel pretty mild. I’m going crazy I wish my body would just chill until it was actually time? Unless this is the start of labor now, cus I already lost my mucus plug like a week ago and this morning it feels like I took a laxative with how much I’ve been on the toilet, isn’t that also a sign? Ugh😭 put me out of this misery
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Yes omg 24/7 girl, literally since like 29 weeks. I’ve been saying for weeks I never knew when to time things because it’s literally just one long 24/7 Braxton hicks. 🙃🙃🙃 Now that I’m having lots of for real for real contractions, I can tell what needs to be timed versus what’s just my body playing tricks on me 🥴 (I’ve also been poopin a lot too you’re not alone lolololol so glamorous)

Yes! I'm 35 weeks and I'd had braxton hicks for forever but in the last month its like all the time+

Omg im sorry that’s happened to you. I feel you with them coming stronger at night time. The same thing is happening to me too!

Yes, mostly at nightime and I’m 39 weeks 🥲

Yes I am feeling it girl, I feel like I’m getting closer I’m almost going to be 39 weeks on Saturday but been been feeling like this for last 2 weeks. It does seem to get more intense now though so I’m like eeeeeeekkkkk

Almost constant contractions since Monday. Went to the hospital since they were lasting 30-45 seconds about 2-5 minutes apart for a hot minute. Wasn’t dilated at all, so they sent me home. Still contracting though somewhere between Braxton hicks and real. Gotta love prodromal labor 😭😭😭

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