Yes! I'm 35 weeks and I'd had braxton hicks for forever but in the last month its like all the time+
Omg im sorry that’s happened to you. I feel you with them coming stronger at night time. The same thing is happening to me too!
Yes, mostly at nightime and I’m 39 weeks 🥲
Yes I am feeling it girl, I feel like I’m getting closer I’m almost going to be 39 weeks on Saturday but been been feeling like this for last 2 weeks. It does seem to get more intense now though so I’m like eeeeeeekkkkk
Almost constant contractions since Monday. Went to the hospital since they were lasting 30-45 seconds about 2-5 minutes apart for a hot minute. Wasn’t dilated at all, so they sent me home. Still contracting though somewhere between Braxton hicks and real. Gotta love prodromal labor 😭😭😭
Yes omg 24/7 girl, literally since like 29 weeks. I’ve been saying for weeks I never knew when to time things because it’s literally just one long 24/7 Braxton hicks. 🙃🙃🙃 Now that I’m having lots of for real for real contractions, I can tell what needs to be timed versus what’s just my body playing tricks on me 🥴 (I’ve also been poopin a lot too you’re not alone lolololol so glamorous)