Two cm!

I’m 36 and 4, baby number 4. I’m 60% effaced and 2 cm dilated! Due March 23rd but she doesn’t think I’ll make it to that. I had some minor bleeding which they said was normal but went back just to check and everything is fine. I’m so so excited to meet my little boy!
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I feel like ppl collecting colostrum it’s very odd to me. Like why are y’all doing that? I would want my baby to get it straight from my boob. I also feel it woukd be degraded or something idk. So let me know why you’re collecting colostrum if you are…

I was due 24th feb had a sweep was 2cm but midwife didn’t say what % effaced i was. This is also baby no 4 for me just hope baby comes soon or i’m being induced on 5th march xx

I’m also due March 23rd! But no signs of labour or anything yet. Starting to get impatient 🤣 really hope she comes on her Own before then so I don’t need to be induced!

I’m due 3/23 and 36and 4 with a boy too! Waiting in my OB’s office rn and I’m hoping she’ll tell me I won’t make it to my due date either, I want this to be OVER! Was your lil guy measuring ahead for the growth scan? Mine is 5 days ahead but they said that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s actually 5 days ahead.

I’ve got gestational diabetes and have been specifically told to collect colostrum. Baby is at risk of low blood sugars and the colostrum will bring them up and there is no guarantee she will be able to get it directly from me straight away so if I can give her some via a syringe to support her sugars it’s recommended. Thankfully with my son he could breastfeed straight away but it’s always the unknown each pregnancy.

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