Anyone near Leam Lane area?☺️
Maybe a long shot but… are there any mums living near the Leam Lane area who want to actually make close friends? I have a new baby, she’s 8 weeks old, and although I’m loving being a mum I’m also feeling the loneliness as my husband has lots of friends and family in the area he can pop out and see, whereas I just have him! I have a couple of friends but they all live too far away (some I only see about twice a year). I don’t drive so I find it hard to just go out and do things. I wish I had some close friends near me who’d be easy meet with, pop over to each others houses for a cuppa and chat with the kids, or go for a wander/coffee etc somewhere local. So if you’re near me and find yourself in the same boat, give me a message☺️
I’m felling area so not far at all Have a 2 week old baby girl x