Advice on contractions/labour

My waters went this morning (10 hours ago) and have continued to come out since then, I’m having pains in my low back/stomach with tightenings but they’re definitely manageable for me even though they seem to be somewhat consistent. I’m timing as much as I can but will I genuinely know when it’s time to go to the hospital pain wise? I’m wanting to be at home as much as possible to labour but don’t want to give birth here 😅
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call triage and they will advise you

@Millie thank you, I went this morning to triage and they just said I have 24 hours to labour or will need an induction in the morning. Just wanted some personal experience from others 😊

Different scenario than me in that my waters didn't go until I was already at the hospital but I was contracting at home for 19 hours, I would say you'll know in yourself pain wise when to go in. I hesitated going in despite my pain because I wasn't hitting the 'required' contraction frequency/length. As it was by the time we got there I was 4cm despite not meeting the requirements on paper

I would say when they are no longer manageable and you feel you need the support of a midwife/pain relief if that’s what you want X

when you can’t talk and have to really focus to get through it, you should probably go. and don’t be surprised if they slow down or get less intense in the car and right when you get to the hospital

I've always heard that you're supposed to go in as soon as your water breaks so you can be monitored because there's a chance of infection, but I would definitely call labor and delivery

I was told when contractions where every 3 minutes for a a minute and I felt I needed more support. I was 4cm when I went in but looking back I wish I tried to stay at home a bit longer. Think I just wanted to be around people that knew what was what rather than on our own.

That happened to me. If active labour doesn’t start within 24 hours of waters breaking then they will need to induce because the risk of infection increases. I had the hormone drip and baby was born 2 hours later. Good luck, and happy birth day!

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