Tilted Cervix

Just seeing if anyone has had this. I got examined a week ago and it’s been playing on my mind… I have a tilted cervix and the only way the dr could see my cervix properly was with making a fist and placing it under my back. My question is did you give birth naturally or did you end up having a c-section I’m just curious and need to know and what to expect.
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Hiya mine was tilted they said as the baby grows it’ll straighten out my uterus and it’s fine a lot of women have it x

@Chloe thank you I’ve always had it but completely slipped my mind until I was examined and they told me again so just wanted to see if other people experienced it xx

I've always had one, so mentioned it at my booking appointment and 1st scan. By 12 weeks, it had moved forwarded and stayed forward. I had a vaginal birth after being induced (induced due to being overdue) with no problems. The only 'issue' was my cervix was also high so they couldn't perform sweeps on me to help encourage labour

@Sophie I have a high cervix as well always have done so this is what I’m wondering I’m just confused on if I can or not x

I was induced so don't know if it would have been the same if I'd gone into labour naturally but once I was contracting and dilating, the cervix came down and caused no issues when pushing during labour. My mum had the same which luckily she told me before my first smear test so I mentioned it and turned out I have the same, and so does my younger sister.

My cervix is tilted right back and very high. They made me have an induction despite me wanting a C-section. They had to have a few attempts at putting the pessary in because they could barely reach it. That gave me contractions every 60secs but didn't dilate me at all. Then I had the gel which did absolutely nothing, and it was a struggle for them to administer that too. After three days of no dilation I had a C-section.

@Darienne this is exactly what happened to my mum and what I’m worried about! Xx

If you go into labour naturally you may be alright, but just be aware the induction process could be tough. Just make sure you communicate exactly what you want if you're struggling x

I had this and gave birth naturally with no complications x

@Darienne thank you! I’m going to speak to my midwife about it as it’s playing on my mind and I cry like a baby just getting examined because of the discomfort so I’m dreading birth

I was the same, I find it very painful too. Speak to your midwife and hopefully they can put a plan together that'll put your mind at ease. Best of luck! :)

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