I believe that it may have worked for my last pregnancy but I paired it with SO many other “cervix softening hacks” so who knows if it actually did or not 🥴 all I know is the last time we had sex before my son was born my water broke that same night and I was forever grateful lol (If it makes you feel any better you get a 6 week break very very soon girl!!! 🤣)
It didn't help for two of my friends. They both went more than a week past their "due date." And I'm too uncomfortable at 38 weeks so won't be trying lol
Personally I’ve asked my fiance to pull out. Everytime he finishes inside me I have the worst contractions. I don’t want this baby to come sooner than he needs too lol.
The prostaglandins in semen can help ripen the cervix, so theoretically can help induce labor, but the body also has to be ready… it won’t kick start it automatically… I personally wouldn’t overdo it if it’s not enjoyable anymore, you being relaxed is more important!