Birth control

My postpartum appointment is coming up next week and I haven’t had the chance to really think about birth control. I haven’t been on it since I was like 18 and I’m 25 now, but I was taking the pill. I’m so scared of gaining weight with any of them, even though I know that’s not the best reasoning to be hesitant. I just don’t want to add on anymore weight when I’m struggling to lose it & have gained quite a bit from my two pregnancies. But I’m open to hearing opinions on the different kinds! Breastfeeding friendly needed. Edit; will be using condoms and cycle tracking like I’ve been doing, but I’m SO paranoid about getting pregnant again I’m wanting something else too. 😅
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Also, curious on this. I’m more concerned on what to do based on breastfeeding. I was on the pill from 16-32 when I started trying. It’s helped prevent endometriosis, acne issues and horrible cramps. I’ve heard a lot of people have done iuds because it’s without hormones.

Copper iud!! Has no hormones so it won’t mess with breastfeeding or weight. You don’t have to remember to take anything. Have had it after both of my sons and love it

I’m a fan of a classic— condoms

I do condoms and cycle tracking and it’s worked well for us for planning our two kiddos so far.

I'm getting the Kyleena IUD implanted next month. Unfortunately for me, condoms give me a UTI every time I've used them so they're not an option for me. I had the Mirena in before this last pregnancy and I had no issues with it. My OB said the IUD shouldn't affect my milk supply.

I was told by my doctor to use birth control without estrogen as that can impact breastfeeding. The progesterone only one though she said I could only take for 6 months before it started affecting breastfeeding too. She recommended nexplanon or an IUD. I had a horrible experience with nexplanon so I personally don’t recommend it. I think an IUD is your best bet if you’re breastfeeding, or if it works for both of you, your partner getting snipped. My doctor also said cycle tracking is nearly impossible while breastfeeding due to the hormonal changes, just FYI!

Glad you asked this because I have been wondering what to do as well. I was considering the copper IUD but nervous about insertion. My dr today said it’s a good choice because it lasts a while, is effective immediately and reverses immediately when removed, and doesn’t have hormones.

I’m planning on copper iud. Pills I forget and hate the unpredictable bleeding, acne, mood swings, weight gain. I had the same issues with nexplanon arm implant/ cramps and non stop bleeding with Skyla iud. Birth control sucks but definitely don’t want more babies lol one dr recommended progesterone only mini pill because there’s less symptoms however my pharmacist said it’s really not that effective

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