If you went into labor naturally/water broke, what time of day did it start?

It seems like most people go into labor at night, I’m just curious what percentages
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5pm on the dot seconds after fighting with my bd

I woke up at 4am with back pain that would not go away

I would say about 8-9am

2 labours started at around 3-4am that’s a couple hrs after sex both times 😂 my first one was 6am born 6.30am the next morning. So all 3 started 3am-6am always early morning for me

First: I was having contractions around 5:00pm-6:00pm. Admitted myself in and had an induction (overnight). Gave birth 8:00am. Second: Contraction at 4:00am-5:00am. Gave birth 8:58am. Both my boys were born on the 6th but different month/year.

First, 4am. Second, it was off and on from 2am, but became consistent, true labor around 7pm

In work 😂 so mid afternoon

First contraction hit at 530am. They broke my water at the hospital that evening


My water broke at about 9am.

With my first my contractions started in the early hours of the morning, waters went two days later in the afternoon about 5pm, born 6am next morning. With my second my waters went at 4am, contractions started at about 8-9am born 1.30pm.

Contractions started at 5.30am. 10cm dilated by 6pm but after 4 hours of pushing, they realised bubba's head was in the wrong position, eventually born at 11.15pm by forceps.

4am after waking up to use the bathroom

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