
I’m overdue and i feel so disconnected to my baby. My body is failing to do what it’s supposed to and now i’m terrified it’s going to end up in an emergency C section which is my biggest fear. My baby is measuring 97% percentile. I’m spending my days just crying and depressed. Dreading baby being here because of how low i’m feeling now.
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I came home yesterday after having a cat 3 c section due to growth concerns and also my cervix not being ready despite being 40+5. I was booked in for an induction and changed my mind and opted for c section. It was the best decision I made. The experience was a 10/10 being stress free and the care was amazing. Are you able to look into a planned section? I was told afterwards by the doctors if I had gone through with induction then it would have likely ended in an emergency c section so I’m so pleased I made the right decision for me. Try to stay positive. Before baby arrived and even now I can’t believe he was inside of me and I grew him. I kept having fears that something was going to go wrong which aided my delivery decision. Everything turned out perfect. You’ve got this ❤️

I have just been through the same experience minus the overdue, I was to be induced due to my bmi and then at my growth scan this week, baby was measuring above 97th centile and we agreed on an elective section because I was so terrified of having an emergency one. I had my elective yesterday and can honestly say the experience was not as bad as I’d expected and as soon as baby is here, you forget all those feelings you had. I promise you, your body is not failing, you’ve grown a perfect baby and kept them same for 9 months! Whatever method of delivery you go for, you have not failed. I felt the same about my elective section, I am still slightly grieving the spontaneous natural birth I didn’t get but as long as you and baby are safe that’s all that matters! X

I’m overdue and feeling low too so I completely understand. How overdue are you and is it your first?

Aw I hear how you feeling as well as the other ladies. I felt similar to you, that my body wasn't doing as it should by not having started before my induction at 40+5. But a midwife said that my body hadn't failed, I'd grown a perfectly sized baby over the last 9 months and the due date is an estimate with 2 weeks over for a reason. I had my induction which took three days but at the end of Tuesday, my contractions started after the 4th hormone offered and I had the natural birth I wanted. You've got this 🙌🏽 x

I hear you. I honestly thought baby would be early because it’s showing just under the 97 centile line. Now I’m prepping myself to have a March baby and not a Feb baby! I’m 40+3 today and have an induction booked for Tuesday… so I’m hoping labour will start between now and then. My first born was 4 days late. The midwives will look after you and guide you every step of the way. My midwife recommended I do squats and move my hips on the birthing ball. You got this.

Your body isn't failing. You made a comfy home for your baby

You’re not failing at all! Babies often don’t come on their ‘due date’. Remember that a ‘due date’ is a guide anyway! There’s so much pressure on us for our babies to be born by a date that isn’t even accurate!

Your body is absolutely not failing, it’s just doing its thing! It seems we’ve all been misinformed about the potential lengths of pregnancy and expect them to come on the due date or close to. I thought mine would be early and I’m almost at 42 weeks now!! Your body knows what it’s doing, and so does your baby. You’ve got this ❤️

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