i drove the day i was out the hospital
Thank you that’s helpful! Did you have to speak to your insurers?
My midwife was saying that this insurance thing is a myth. Drive whenever you feel like you can do an emergency stop safely. I drove after a week
@Dominique i was just told at the hospital 5 days ago that insurance wouldn't cover me. I guess I'll just call my insurance to confirm when I feel like I have recovered and physically ready to drive
@Hareem yes that's a myth, why would they not cover you if you pay them your premiums? It's not just csection related, if you're feeling well enough to drive it's fine
How will they ever enforce that lol
2 weeks is what i was told and followed!
@Hareem OK for reference I'm in the UK, maybe it's different where you are
Midwife said at 3 month pp aslong as I'm not on meds and can do an emergency stop safely
My OB told me not to drive for 2 weeks
I phoned my insurance and they’ve said I need signing off by the doctor before I can drive and be covered
Always check your insurance, it's basically when you can emergency stop your allowed to drive. My insurance said that my insurance was invalid upto 3 weeks..
You have to wait 6 weeks, otherwise it voids your insurance if anything was to happen
@Dominique the insurance thing isn’t a myth. It’s the 6 week rule is a myth Some insurance companies require you to have seen a dr to confirm they’re happy before you drive or they will refuse to cover if you’re in an accident. You’re advised to seek your insurers guidance My first C-section then insurance company said as long as I wasn’t in strong painkillers and was happy doing an emergency stop. Second time the inkjne chat said I didn’t even need to tell them. I drive at 3 weeks first time 4 second (my husband had more time off second time round)
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Check with your insurance company. Some say you have to wait 6 weeks, others say it’s up to you to deem when you feel safe to.
You need to read your policy, as some don’t mention it and others will say your not covered. Some expect you to be cleared by a doctor first. Because in any situation that you end up in an accident and it’s in there they won’t pay out and they have a right to cancel your policy. I waited 4 week I think it was with my last baby, as didn’t find anything in my documents my doctors didn’t see me until 12 weeks as they were behind. I made sure I could do an emergency stop in my street and off I went
My insurance didn’t require a set time so it was when I felt okay, I started at 5W when I was comfortable with the belt being around my waist x
I had to drive the day I came out of hospital but they say to wait like 2 weeks depending on how you feel but they also say if you still feel like you ain’t well enough to drive it’s for 6 weeks x
You need to check with your insurance - by 6 weeks, you're definitely insured to drive by all insurers. Prior to that, it is down to your policy, so some may be 3 weeks, some 4, some 6. If you drive before the policy says you can and you have an accident, your insurance would be invalid.
My OB said I could drive as soon as I felt comfortable slamming on the breaks in an emergency and checking my blind spot. I drove 5 days PP to an app as I had post delivery preeclampsia and needed to be monitored.
Yeah just check your insurance, mine just said if a healthcare provider said it's ok to drive after surgery it's fine to, nothing needed in writing so quite vague. I waited 4 weeks but didn't really need to
UK based - I drove after a week. You don’t get signed off, as long as you can perform an emergency stop. I told my doctor at my 6 week checkup and she said that as long as you feel comfortable and confident there’s no problem
I work in car insurance and I’ve literally never heard of an insurance company, or ours voiding any form of policy because of risk of driving after a c section
Thank you everyone! I spoke to the insurers yesterday, they said absolutely fine to drive if doctor says so and fitness/medical note not needed!
I started driving after 4 weeks, I got told that my insurance wouldn’t cover me so I contacted them and they said it’s just when the doctor has said it’s ok for you to drive you can, you don’t have to contact your insurance company
so i thought i had to wait until after my 6 week appointment lol but i had messaged my OB i think around almost 5wpp and asked if it was safe for me to drive because i had to go to the tax office by myself and they said i could’ve started driving around 1wpp as long as i was no longer any medication that makes u drowsy