Maybe not ideal long term but I have to take my Labrador to the vet’s for nail cutting. He won’t put up with me doing it and the vets seem much more willing than a groomer.
My dog hates it but I wait until he’s sleeping on the sofa with me in the evening then I clip one nail. That usually wakes him up and that’s enough for one day. Basically I’m in a never ending rotation of clipping one different nail every day for the next 15 years of my life.
Our doggo was the same when we first rescued her. We started training her with a paw command and treats, we built up the time we would hold her paw for and now she lets us touch her nails and she loves her groomer that does her nails. I have seen nail file boards online which you pop a treat into and the dog scratches at them and files their nails, this could be worth a try. Or taking your dog to a 1 on 1 groomer, which is what we do now, we did try taking her to the vets for a nail trim but the entire experience really stressed her out. Finding a good groomer was the key for us x