Didn't have a short cervix but 38+5 and he was my first (and only). You're maternity leave will have to start the day your LO is born legally but you can finish early with holiday (hoping that is what you meant). Most first time mums go over if I remember correctly x
I don't have a short cervix but I worked up until the day before 6th feb I went into labour 7th, I gave birth on the 8th , I use up holiday first 7th-23rd feb which took me to my due date 23rd feb and the maternity officially started 24th feb. I was 37+4 when I gave birth I wouldn't advise working past 37weeks
No short cervix, but gave birth at 42 weeks exactly. Was induced at 41+4
I was 36+4 didn't have a short cervix but did have a blood clot on the lungs and a baby in breach too. X
I gave birth at 36+4 x
No short cervix but I had two natural home births at 40+5 and 41+1
42 weeks and 2 days. I’d talk to your employer about setting your official last day at 1 year and 1 day with the option to use vacation or sick time if baby does come early.
Is there an advantage to using holiday first then maternity rather than carrying annual leave over to the end of your mat leave?
42 weeks, and that was with an eviction notice. The cervix wasn't short, and I never dilated past 2cm. Was a 1b emergency section. X
I have a short cervix and was 36 weeks and 5 days. I worked until I was 34 weeks pregnant, I was induced due to complications with the umbilical cord and was informed I would of gone full term is this wasn’t the case x
Induced labor, C-section 36wk 6days
42 weeks exactly with my first. I took two weeks off work before she was due... Longest month of my life haha! I dont know what you do for work, but anything past about 36 weeks is hard!!! The last trimester gets exhausting.
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Most likely you'll be 41+3 or 41+5 that's typical for first time mom
I don't think I had a short cervix, but I was induced at 40+5 🙃
My 1st - 31+4weeks My 2nd - 36+2 weeks Both spontaneous labours No reason given. 2nd pregnancy was closely monitored. Both came quickly. No issues in pregnancies either
Not specifically for you but just because some of these comments seem to suggest otherwise, but if you’re in the UK, maternity leave automatically starts the day after you give birth, even if you were in the middle of holiday leave (you’ll get the remaining leave back to use at the end). Fingers crossed baby holds out for your year milestone at work!! X
Don't have a short cervix but I was 39 weeks exactly, I went on maternity leave at 35 weeks