Traumatic birth

With my first I had a really traumatic birth I was up the hospital 4 days prior being induced for reduced movement. Eventually got fully dilated and was able to start pushing This is where I started heavily bleeding my baby’s heart rate dropped then completely stopped so was rushed up to have an emergency c-section. I was put to sleep because I was not coping ok everything was happening to quickly. But I’m 16 weeks with my second and I can’t stop crying and getting worked up with what to do with this pregnancy the consultant said it’s my decision I’m not a high risk now. I think a c-section would be best to avoid the traumatic experience of last time. But for some reason a c-section petrifies me. Just want any advice if anyone can help I have no one to talk to about it and will do anything to deliver the baby safely but can’t help but crying maybe the pregnancy hormones.
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I’m so sorry. I did some natural hypnobirthing type readings before about flooding your mind with thoughts of an easy peaceful birth. And also they have you list your fears and visualize them being locked away sort of. It might be worth looking into different programs to try to help you move through some of the trauma. Or counseling. Each birth is different and most likely won’t be the same but those fears can be debilitating and take over. You don’t want to bring them to the delivery room regardless of which birth method you choose.

I had an elective c section, it was so calm and relaxed! I liked the fact I knew everything that was going on and I was already in the best place if anything was to go wrong x

I had a failed induction due to pre-eclampsia which then ended up an emergency cssction. It was scary. But I knew it would happen again with my BP and I elected for a csecrion and honestly it was great. I was able to talk to everyone before going in so they could help me with my nausea during the surgery. It was pretty quick also. I don't have regrets.

I personally would go with an elective c section, an elective c section would be a completely different experience than what you had with your first. I had an elective c section with my first because he was measuring big(11lbs 9oz, ended up being 10lbs but his head has always been in the "greater than 99th percentile"). I have no regrets and plan on doing it again this time. They don't put you to sleep for an elective, they do the spinal block so you don't feel anything, then you get to see baby as soon as they're born. Mine was so calm and relaxed, I almost fell asleep because I had been in pain for so long being pregnant, that the spinal was a huge relief and I barely slept the night before from the insomnia 😂

Hi I am also 16 weeks and my first birth had some hospital trauma but it ended with my planned home waterbirth. I had signed an AMA i knew what I needed. I highly recommend hiring a doula no matter the birth plan. Also if you birth out of the hospital this would increase your chances of having an undisturbed birth.

I recommend Somatic healing

Thank you everyone hearing your story’s has put my mind at ease and made me see the situation differently 🥰🩷

You'll be okay... we are made for this and you just need to find the right support system. Feel free to message me we can share birth stories lol ♡♡♡♡

@Alina thank you hun x

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