@Danielle we're near Charlotte area 😑
Do you tell them or say something? I live outside of Charlotte but I just don't bring it up or mention it lol I don't think it really comes up in conversation. But I do avoid it because I'm afraid of the same thing happening
@Megan it's in my bio, because I want to be upfront and transparent. I would rather it not be a later point of contention after a bind is made and breaks my heart after getting along with someone. I guess it's mean to weed out folks who I'm not compatible with, but I never thought after Covid it would be this big an issue.
It's happened far too many times in my life where people just ghost me over the smallest things, or don't give the friendship any investment past shallow interests. Hoping to find some of you deeper gals out there who question everything, and dig deep into those rabbit holes. I'm here with some shovels, who's with me?!
We vaccinate my son, but I’m not gonna give you any crap for not vaccinating yours. Moms should live in a judge free world because we’re judged entirely for way too many stupid things we live on the outskirts of Raleigh so if you’re interested in play dates, my two-year-old would love one.