@Georgia my urine only got checked two days ago, so wouldn’t it have been picked up if I had one?
Ring your triage unit and just ask them for advice, they’ll be able to tell you if it’s normal 🥰
@Jess I didn’t want to sound silly 🙈.. my tummy’s been hard since yesterday but today there’s just lots of discharge to the point I’m having to change my underwear and I’ve had to wipe twice. Sorry tmi
Tummy being hard will be most likely position of baby, not sure on discharge though x
I’m 32 weeks had some discharge and sore back and my tummy is very hard on and off, just braxton hicks! Just keep an eye on it! It’s so uncomfortable tho! X
Thrush maybe? I’ve had loads of discharge throughout and at one point when I noticed an increase it was thrush, no symptoms other than loads of discharge, but also discharge can be totally normal, hard stomach maybe Brixton hicks? Mine seems to be hard all the time lately 33+5
Could be an infection. Could be your mucus plug. Generally they don’t worry about your mucus plug unless you’re having contractions too as it can regenerate. But I’d talk to your midwife anyway as it could be some kind of infection if it’s an unusual amount of discharge and she can test you xx
I had this and i had a uti! X