@Lauren Thank you! So normal discharge is white/yellow and your waters are clear? 🤔
Waters are more transparent but can be tinted pinkish, straw yellow when healthy. Other colours if there’s a problem. Where are discharge is more opaque. From what I’ve read even a consistent trickle of waters would soak a maternity pad over a few hours
If it helps my discharge changed to very watery before I went into labour, think maybe a week or so before it started getting very watery to the point one day I had to question whether it was my waters going so could be a sign labour is near for you!
I have this too! The colour and texture is consistent with discharge rather than waters. It’s white/yellow and slippy. It’s pretty normal for it to increase now. Maybe pop a pad on to catch it and check after a little bit what it looks like. If it’s waters and you need to go to triage they’ll ask you to put a pad on anyway