Looking for bedtime advice…

Hi Mamas! My baby is almost 4 months and while he is a fantastic napper, bedtime is a struggle. I’ve read so many articles and books on good sleep habits but can’t seem to figure out my little one’s issue. I pay attention to his age appropriate wake windows and sleepy cues all day to determine when to put him down for a nap. In the rare occasion that he is fussing, he self soothes without any intervention. He is also still waking once a night for a feeding and is often wide awake when I put him back in the crib, but I usually leave the room to pump and when I return he’s fast asleep. My issue is bedtime, once he’s demonstrating the same sleepy cues he does for naps I start his bedtime routine and he’s usually sleeping around 8pm. However, he will sleep for about 20 minutes and then wake up at minimum two more times screaming. The temp in the room is fine, he’s not wet or hungry, I’ve tried starting his bedtime later (as it was when he was younger) but then he’s overtired and it’s worse. Has anyone had this problem? We plan to sleep train and move him to his own room in a couple of weeks if the pediatrician gives the ok, but in the meantime I’m really trying to build good sleep habits. Maybe teething discomfort is worse at night? Maybe it’s just FOMO? Maybe I just need to be patient? I have no idea! Thanks in advance for any thoughts!
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You’re doing great! My LO is a great sleeper overall but we always have random nights here and there that we struggle with bedtime and staying down for the night. My little is 14 months and he definitely went through all the sleep “regressions” (I try to think of them as progressions since most sleep hiccups are when they’re developing something new). If your little is teething - from my experience it seems to be worse at night. Just keep doing what you have been! You’re doing everything you can - your little might just need a little extra help with sleep again temporarily

Thank you! I think you are right, it’s tough because I want to help him sleep better but I suppose he just needs some extra comfort right now as he develops.

I just wanted to offer support for you! My child is a teen now but she was a terrible sleeper and I was always troubleshooting and trying to figure out how to improve the situation. Really, it just took time. Wishing you a good night’s sleep 😴

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