@Ashley mines a March 5th baby too eep! We’re so close!
Mines will always be here Thursday!!!🎀💞
My due date is 12th but I’m getting induced on the 4th 😖 first time mum and absolutely shitting myself hahaha
Curious how they indicated that growth is restricted. Did they share?😵💫 @Felix
My march 5th baby came 2 weeks ago! 🤣
My induction is Monday but really hoping she comes before then bc I am so miserable today the belly is rock hard and having cramps
My induction is March 7th but I hope my baby comes earlier 😔 I don’t want to get induced
@Kayla At my 36 wk appt on Wednesday they couldn’t get a good fundal height so they scheduled me for a growth ultrasound this morning and did measurements and apparently she’s just not growing at the same rate she should be? that’s my understanding at least 🤷🏼♀️ My due date was the 26th so I just feel like she’s coming so early even though she will be full term
My baby due 26th too n I’ve already started dilating n her head is right there . How many lbs is your baby ?
My March 5th baby needs to come! I don’t want to be induced on the 9th!