
How long did you wait after laparoscopy to do embryo transfer ? Can you transfer after a month ?
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Did they find anything during your lap? If so depends what and what grade for how long before transfer! I would def check with your fertility doctor! I had my surgery in October and did a transfer in Dec, with mild Endo found

I had a lap a couple of weeks ago and mild endo was found and removed. I’m currently waiting for my cycle to start so I can do a transfer. My fertility dr said he would like to ahead straight away as the first three months following have slightly increased chances of success. But as Lucie said, I’m assuming it would be case by case dependent of what’s found.

Went to transfer 6 weeks after my lap.

Hi ladies, how did you know you have endo? I have v. Little pains during mensuration and it my menstruation is light. I'm struggling to conceive and unsure what the cause is. I've had all the usual tests and even had a lap in 2016. But they said there was very light endo at that point.

Hi ladies , jus so you know you can also do depo Lupron injections for 2 months instead of laparoscopy before embryo transfer ,,that’s what I’m doing now

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