C section Monday

Hi ladies. So been told today my c section is on Monday 3rd march. I'm so excited but bloody nervous 😬 this is my second baby but first c section. Tell me I'll be ok please haha 😁😩
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It will be wonderful! My elective c-section was SO relaxed and couldn’t have gone better. C-section was my worst nightmare before I had one but the experience I had was positive and not scary xx

I had a semi emergency c section 5 weeks ago, it was my worst fear. But honestly it was such a lovely experience, I’m glad I went that route now! The staff were incredible, chatting to me the whole time making sure I was feeling okay and keeping me distracted. It goes so quickly and once baby is out you’re so focused on that nothing else matters. Recovery hasn’t been as bad as I thought either. I had a really really positive experience I hope yours is the same! Try not to overthink it too much (easier said than done I know) the thought of it is so much worse than the actual thing x

Honestly, it’s amazing!! I’d do it all over again. Mine was emergency and they made me feel so relaxed while I was a complete mess! The recovery is hard but it’s worth it, just lots of rest for 2 months. I had music playing my whole section, the midwife was talking to me and the doctors were keeping me updated with everything. The moment they said “he’s here” I balled 🥹😅. I’d definitely do it all over again and I wish I could relive it. I probably slept with about 6 pillows sat upright for 2/3 weeks though because I couldn’t lay down and the first 2 weeks I struggled to even get up while being sat up🤣. Constant pain relief, keep clean & dry! I had a mat pad across my pants to keep it clean, patted with a damp warm flannel (no soap) and patted dry with a dry flannel. You’ll be amazing 💖💖💖 good luck!! Xxxx

Thank you ladies,feeling a little better reading you're replys 🥰

Just to add another positive experience, I ended up having an unplanned c section 6 months ago, and it was great. It was so quick and the recovery wasn't bad at all. It ended up being early hours of the morning and I was up walking that day. Good luck, you'll be absolutely fine! X

Just make sure you have support when you get home and you'll be okay. The first week is the worst bit

Second kid was a scheduled C. It was GREAT! Recovery was harder but it was ok 🙂

Congratulations 🎊 You’ve got this!! Mine is Wednesday, March 5!! We’re both going to have a speedy recovery!! I claim it!

Both my sections were emergency so unfortunately my experiences weren't super fun but I've heard elective ones are very calm and happy

@Helen agreed!! The first week was the hardest, second week I felt almost normal and that’s when I stopped pain relief 🥰

It’s gonna be okay I’ve had 3

i’ve had two and i’d choose again! my second recovery was a breeze, i didn’t take any pain killers after day 2! my biggest advice is to keep up with painkillers as many and as often as you are allowed AND MOVE!! i was up and moving as soon as the epidural wore off and honestly i think that’s why the recovery was so easy. (also it’s my birthday the 3rd of march too so at least your kid has a great birthday 😉🥳) good luck x

Mine was very smooth and quick, keep up with the pain killers until you are sure you are feeling better. Also take a stool softener especially if they give you iron tablets afterwards.

Congrats! I had a natural with my first 2years ago and was so traumatised I had a c-section this time with my son in January. Best thing I did, was such a better experience, please don’t worry you will be nervous but it’s such a wonderful moment and you don’t feel a thing, even the spinal is painless, honestly! Worst bit is the canular. I would say the recovery is harder, I took 2 weeks to feel more able to do things but so long as you have support around you and take it easy you’ll be fine 🙂you got this!

Hi Charlene, you’ll be absolutely fine 🩷 This is my second baby (first was emergency c section) and I’m also booked in for Monday for my elective c section (little girl is breech). I’m feeling a little nervous for the operation even though I’ve been through it before. I’ve heard so many good experiences from people and honestly my first experience was fine - it’s over so quickly. Baby is out within minutes then you’re so distracted by cuddles that you’re in the recovery room in what feels like a flash! Xx

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The section its self is great. The recovery is probably the worst part, but by day 5 I stopped pain relief and by 10-14 days I felt normal. However I don’t want to sugar coat the surgery, I put the same post on here when I was close to my elective and everyone told me it was amazing. I didn’t fully enjoy it, there was no pain and it wasn’t scary I just didn’t enjoy the movement/feelings and tugging however besides that it was fine! I just thought I’d add some reality (for me) in there as I was devastated when I didn’t enjoy it as much as everyone told me. Xx

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