Fast positive

Has anyone ever had a super fast positive that’s really clear and totally undeniable pretty Early? I took this test 3 weeks and 4 days after the first day of my last period. It was totally instant! My wee hadn’t even absorbed into it all the way before it was showing positive and dark! It was seconds. I don’t know if this could mean anything bad or if it’s good.. has anyone else experienced this before and how did it work out for you?
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Could mean you have higher levels in of hcg which is common in a twin pregnancy

I dont trust clearblue, I've had false positives more than once. I'd suggest trying another brand

@Sarah I did 2, both different brands and both were exactly the same. Both super strong, couple of days apart. It’s definitely correct I’ve got some wild symptoms that I didn’t have half as strong with my first child and missed period x

@Savannah my goodness.. we’ll have to see with that one won’t we 🙈😂 could have my hands full if all goes well with this one

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