@Chloe Oh really? Wow I didn't think they would be the reason tbh. Aw bless you, I might just try folic acid and Vit D like you say then. Hope your sickness isn't too bad now x
@Gemma it's worth a try! I realised it was the issue when I started tasting iron in my mouth and the sickness was coinciding at the same time a few hours after taking it. I could be an anomaly but I do tell people it's worth considering. As long as you're taking folic acid and having a good varied diet then you'll be good ☺️
I'm going to do the same then! Those massive green tablets and then the fish oil ones have been making me sick each evening.
@Chloe yeah sounds like it's worth a go for sure. Aw yeah, thank you for this 😊 x
@Az Nothing worse when they are huge 😔 hope it works better for you too x
Honestly they were the worst tablets!! Trying to swallow 3 golf balls when you feel horrific is not ideal 🤣. I’ve been taking some gummies but these also make me feel sick as they’re just so sweet. One of my friends said she has the boots folic acid and vit d tablets and they’re tiny. I’m going to get these at the weekend!
@Natalie haha yeah no for sure. I'm not good with tablets anyway so already find it a struggle 😂 yeah I have the boots ones from my last pregnancy and they are mini. Much better, so think I'll take them instead haha x
I got my folic acid tablets from Tesco and they contain vitamin D too 😊
I took pregnacare tablets right at the beginning and was feeling so sick and tired I’ve moved to just normal folic acid and feel a lot less sick with them …. I thought I just had awful nausea but no it seems to have been the tables x
I use proceive and they say on the packet that if you struggle with swallowing them, you can open them up and pour them into foods like yoghurt. Not sure if it’s the same for pregnacare?xx
I’ve been struggling taking them too they are huge and difficult to swallow when you feel sick already!
I take the seven seas ones. They are quite expensive but even when I’m feeling sick, I have no problem taking them. X
I didn't take pregnacare tonight, just took folic acid and feel better thank goodness! Thank you for your advice and tips mamas ❤️
The pregnacare tablets were actually making me sick in my last pregnancy! As soon as I stopped taking them and only took folic acid, my sickness subsided. Prior to that I was hospitalised with sickness 😅