
Hi ladies , I am newly diagnosed and pretty petrified as to what’s coming ? What does a ‘flare’ feel like.. how will I know ? No idea what my diet has to be or what I can do to help it ?
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* I’m on two suppository’s a day atm- waiting for Further results *

I only got my diagnosis in November but I've had symptoms for over a decade so happy to chat all things IBD. What IBD do you you have, I have UC. Feel free to drop me a message also

Hey! I’ve had IBD since 2017 officially but had it way before that just undiagnosed. I have ulcerative colitis. Mine started mildly for the first few years. It gradually got worse as I didn’t take it seriously or keep up with meds and appointments which I massively regret now. I’ve been hospitalised twice with it and told I’d 80% chance I’d need surgery. However the last defence of meds have worked for me so far. You will know what a flare is, you get bad pains, lots of diarrhoea and mucus, blood etc. At my worst I was going 20-30 times a day but was mainly blood and mucus. Please feel free to reach out if you want to chat. I’ve had every medicine going and finally on a drug called a biological drug.the chrons and colitis website is also very good for information x

To add my main bit of advice is to keep up with any meds they give you. Diet wise I’ve not noticed any particular trigger foods although everyone is different. For me I’ve noticed it’s affected by hormonal changes and stress more than anything. If however you are in a flare then bland is best and white carbs rather than whole meal, no nuts or fruit/veg with seeds etc as these can stay and irritate your intestines more x

@Heather so I went for a colonoscopy and as he was talking through it he said definitely idb , but I think some samples have been sent off for further investigation- he said more than likely UC and after reading up about the suppositories they are treated for UC xx

@Kayleigh thanks lovely, sounds a little daunting but il do as they say and hope for the best! I was in agony last night feeling like my gut was being grabbed and pinched from the inside but unsure if it was trapped air from the colonoscopy! 6-8 weeks is so long to find out more info 😣 I seem to go mostly after I eat like not long after 😖 but always blood! 🩸

@Lexi it’s very scary and daunting at first but it gets easier. I’ve been in remission now for nearly 3 years and it’s honestly like I don’t have the disease at all (I have had a couple of blips in my pregnancy due to hormonal changes but quickly resolved). Obviously I inject myself every week to stay in remission but it’s so worth it! There are lots of medicines out there, some better than others, but it’ll just be a bit of a trial maybe in finding the right meds/combination. I don’t know how you feel about holistic approaches but I did find acupuncture good, it could have more been for a relaxation thing but it helped me! X

Thanks @Kayleigh can I ask what the blips were … my daughter is 6 months old I’m intrigued as to wether I had the same problems but undiagnosed x

I have flared up a couple of times in pregnancy but only for a week or so at a time but then it resolved on its own. I had stool tests to confirm that a flare up was present and I was going 10 times a day with very bad cramps but zero blood. Then a week or so later it cleared up. So I guess mini flare ups in pregnancy that only started in the third trimester so not a true flare up just a blip as I called it. Once I went to say assessment unit as the cramps were so bad and worried it was labour. The machine showed contractions and I had a swab taken from my cervix that was positive for early labour but it never came. The doctor said it could be the inflammation from my intestines causing the uterus to contract as well x

Ahhh yeah okay me too haha

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