Yes you’re able too, I had my c section there in September. My daughter was on the smaller side and they were amazing x
I am also having an elective at Southmead on Monday, so I guess I’ll see you there!
Yep! I got a McDonald’s with my partner after my elective last week! (Bristol Southmead)
I did via Uber eats :) they got vending machines dotted about too and costa in the main hospital. I had mine in May the staff are great xx
Yeah i was told I could order in as by the time I got to the ward there wasn't much food left from the dinner rounds! X
They filmed my emergency c section and I will be forever grateful! Didn’t even know they did it! 😩😢❤️
Yeah you are able to! You’re are in great hands, had my c section there in October last year and they are fantastic x