What job do you do to remote work can I ask? Looking for something remote and baby friendly myself!
Honestly, it’s reeeeeally tricky. Despite the fact I work from home a few days per week, I still rely on childcare as I can’t give my work or my toddler my best when I’m looking after her and working. It was slightly easier when she was a baby, but realistically I could only really work in small chunks of time, so it just didn’t work for me. That’s not to say it’ll be like that for everybody, but I definitely underestimated how much of a balancing act it would be! That being said, my baby was older than yours!
I think it depends on the job. Personally, I work from home “full time” (I’ve been doing 35ish hours since having him) and I’ve been able to make it work because my job is very understanding of me needing to step away to take care of him when I need to. As long as I pick up the phone when it rings, get my work done, and pick up hours when I need to, I’m fine. I can’t imagine doing an extremely rigorous job where you need to be glued to your computer, unless you and your husband are able to tag team it. My little guy is nearly 11 months now, and he plays pretty independently in the kitchen with me while I’m working. :)
@Kimberleigh I do legal work. My husband does IT work. My job is very family friendly and I don’t really have meetings or phone calls. I can kind of put in the work when I want as long as I’m putting in the work at some point. My husband’s job is much more demanding he is on zoom meetings all day but will take little breaks in between if he can.
I am thinking I will just have to work while baby naps, and hopefully she can self entertain in an activity center for a bit next to me. Then do the rest of work at night when my husband is off and can watch her. I already feel like I have no time to do anything but with this schedule I am really concerned. Also concerned she won’t be getting the attention needed. But I would rather her be near than in day care or something. Ugh!! I hate how difficult it is for moms. It’s like one or the other.
I return to work in 2 weeks and my baby is 5 months! Remote working also. X
I'll be in a similar situation soon! I've got nothing to input here but more to read other responses and tips! ❤️