With my first born I had the pessary induction and had 3 pessarys all of which did nothing and I was told I needed to go for a section as baby would be under a lot of stress having been in hospital having contractions all week on the pessary. The c section itself went beautifully, they made it such a beautiful calm experience for me! And the recovery was so much better than I was expecting, I had minimal pain and was up on my feet the next day doing everything as normal! I had my second daughter 12 days ago and this time around I had the balloon induction and this was successful! And I had a vaginal birth with her! So maybe ask about the balloon of your heart is set on a vaginal birth, if not a c section really isn’t as bad as I thought it would be I absolutely loved mine just as much as I loved my vaginal birth xxx
Thank you both so much! It’s so helpful hearing other people’s stories, even better when they end in a positive way 🫶🏼 @Demi my cervix is still shut at the moment so a balloon isn’t an option unfortunately🥺
Aww I hope it all goes well for you what ever the outcome! But don’t stress over a section it was honestly a lovely experience for me. My partner still got to cut the cord, and I still did skin to skin straight away. Having a more planned section is way better than it ending in an emergency too! Xx
I also had 2 failed pessaries as baby wasn't coping with contractions and her heart rate kept dipping. Balloon wasn't an option for me either because they didn't have any at any of the hospitals around so my only option was a C-section which I had already prepared myself for. Same as the ladies above it was such a calm, positive experience! My husband got to cut the cord, I did skin to skin once the paeds team had done their checks (not standard procedure but baby girl was only on the third centile so they were there as a precaution). Whilst I was having the spinal block my heart rate was 50 I was so calm! The anaesthetist I had was amazing and told me what and when it was being done (he did ask if I wanted to know first) The recovery has been fine for me, just make sure you don't overdo anything, and try and get some peppermint tea for the gas pains. But you'll be absolutely fine honestly!! Xx
I was in this position 4 days ago. 3 days on pesssary gels and I only got to 3 cm. I had my waters broken and after 2 hours of labouring alone and 8 hours on the oxytocin drip I hadn’t progressed anymore than 2cm. I went for a c section and I’m so glad I did as the reason my baby wasn’t dropping into my pelvis was because his cord was wrapped around his neck twice (not that this will happen to you this was just my experience) so to me taking the section was the best thing I did xx
I had a failed induction (first with the balloon then the drip) and had to go for an emergency section. The section was a lovely experience, the healing itself is taking a long time and it's not easy, but the procedure was a lot better than the induction. I was in agony with the induction and felt like it was not going anywhere apart from distressing me and baby.
I had this exact same thing 2 weeks ago and I WISH I just had a C-section to start with. The induction for me was awful and the C-section was a dream. I was totally terrified about it but I couldn’t recommend it more. If you have any specific questions you’re worried about, happy to answer x
Haven't been in this situation but I did have an elective C-section with this baby and I will say it was an extremely positive experience and recovery has been far easier than expected. I would ask all the questions and get all the facts so you can make an informed decision about what is best for you.
Thank you so much everyone for sharing your stories. These kind of decisions are such huge and daunting ones but it makes it a lot easier ❤️
I had one pessary, 2 lots of prostin gel then a 24hour break which is when my contractions began. Induced on a Saturday and contractions began on the Monday x
I had one pessary which failed and was very painful! So ended up opting / needing a c - section and so glad I did! It was a nice and calm experience ! X
I ended up in this exact same position shy of two weeks ago. After 4 nights on the transition ward getting only a few hours sleep a night, I opted for an elective section. They couldn't fit me in that day so let me go home to see my doggos and to sleep. We went back the following day and had our section and it was such a positive calm experience. I'm now 10 days past surgery, got out for a walk on day 8 and am up walking, doing house work, mainly back to normal other than a little slower/unable to lift heavy things. Everyone will obviously have their own experience but I wouldn't change mine for the world :)