It’s synthetic. It’s man made. Personally I would stop and look for folate, folate is natural. I also follow some really useful people on Instagram they are worth checking out.
100% agree with @Debra. Also zeolite detox spray are good, unless that’s the same thing 😂
Zeolites are good at pulling heavy metals. It’s a mineral, I use it, all my kids use it, autistic and non autistic purely because nearly everything these days is toxic. Food, water, household products and toiletries. It’s a massive rabbit hole once you start digging ….
It's folinic acid, not folic acid
@Debra yes I’m in that rabbit hole believe me so I hear ya. A real eye opener, but learning everyday still.
Never take folic acid, it’s synthetic. I’ve heard about Folate and Folinic, if you need to supplement make sure they are the cleanest and purest you can find!!