Implantation or miscarriage
So yesterday I had found out I was pregnant, the only person I’ve told is my fiancée because i had just found out, the pregnancy test where vary light in the lines but I did a digital one as well and it said I was pregnant, today I woke up to bleeding it was kinda heavy but I don’t believe I saw any clots in my blood, so I ended up talking to a friend who has had miscarriages in the past, she says with the way I’ve explained it that it sounds like it could be a littler heavier on the implantation bleeding as her and and friend of hers have had heaver bleedings and where still pregnant afterwards so I wanted to get other people’s opinion.
The blood is a bright color it’s not dark, it was heavy this morning and is now getting lighter, I’ve been having some small cramps in my back as that’s where I normally get my cramps with my periods, not sure what other info I should put I just want some opinions on what it could be.
I didn’t know I was pregnant until I was 16 weeks because I still was bleeding like a normal period until I took a test due to sickness so it’s very likely it could just be bleeding not a miscarriage x